Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer starts in the cells of the prostate, which is a gland in the male reproductive system deep in your pelvis that produces a component of seminal fluid. The prostate gland is specifically located below the bladder in front of the rectum and surrounds the upper part of the urethra, and has close relationships with other key anatomical structures. The most common type of prostate cancer is adenocarcinoma of the prostate ( most common prostate cancer, although there are different subtypes), but there are other variations that can occur and may require different therapies.

Dr. Feifer takes a comprehensive team approach in diagnosing and treating prostate cancer, which includes a patient evaluation in “smart screening” for prostate cancer, detecting it at its earliest possible disease stage, and providing a risk-adapted, evidenced-based and patient-oriented plan of action to treat the cancer. The goals of treatment are clearly defined and are based on staging information, the type of prostate cancer, previous therapies if any, and a strong focus on the quality of life issues and survivorship opportunities.
Where cure is possible, Dr. Feifer offers state-of-the-art surgical approaches such as minimally invasive robotic prostatectomy and high frequency ultrasound ablation (image guided targeted therapy) and access to leading radiation delivery programs at the Peel Regional Cancer Centre and other Toronto centres. Where cure is not possible, we offer the newest and most advanced treatment approaches to prolong survival and to maximize quality-of-life, which includes access to advanced oral hormonal, bone targeted, radioligand therapy and clinical trials for newer agents. Dr. Feifer, along with his partners and development team, has also pioneered new advances in telehealth and virtual care, called NED, a survivorship program developed with the Ministry of Health in Ontario designed and deployed to improve the quality of life for prostate cancer patients at all stages.
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by both cancerous (malignant) and noncancerous (benign) prostate tissue....
Diagnosis & Management
When a biopsy confirms the presence of cancer, we look at how aggressive a cancer is, and how much there is under the microscope. ...
After your diagnosis of non-metastatic prostate cancer, you will go through a process in which a multidisciplinary...
Benign Prostate Gland Enlargement (BPH)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also called prostate gland enlargement, is a common age associated condition. An

Minimally Invasive Surgery Kidney & Ureter
Dr. Feifer specializes in the middle invasive approach to kidney cancer, often able to remove large tumours and reconstruct the ...

Surgeries & Therapies for BPH
BPH or enlarged prostate can lead to significant urinary distress in men. Dr. Feifer specializes in the medical and surgical management of ...

Surgery for Prostate Cancer
Surgery for prostate cancer can be curative while preserving urinary and sexual function. A prostatectomy can often be performed using robotic techniques, but traditional surgery