About Feifer Urology
Dr. Andrew Feifer is a board-certified urologist and urologic oncology surgeon who practices in Mississauga and Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is a performance-driven staff surgeon with 10+ years of experience and proven expertise in the management of genitourinary malignancie and minimally invasive surgery. He is a recognized leader, with cutting-edge creative thinking to drive optimization of patient outcomes and research. A founder of “Ned”, a novel survivorship app for patients with prostate cancer, he has helped leverage medical health technology to help patients throughout their journeys. He cultivates a collaborative relationship with patients, providing evidenced based compassionate care. He is a teacher to students, residents and fellows, and a life-long learner.

Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer starts in the cells of the prostate, which is a gland in the male reproductive system deep in your pelvis that produces a component of seminal fluid.

Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are extremely common and can present with acute severe pain, kidney dysfunction, or severe infection. It is incredibly important to seek care for kidney stones to

Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer can arise at any stage in life, and when caught early, has an excellent prognosis. Surgery, often minimally invasive, is often necessary to remove the primary tumor.

Hematuria (Blood in Urine)
This is defined as blood in the urine, can be microscopic (invisible) or macroscopic (visible), and can come from anywhere in the urinary tract, from the kidneys themselves to ..

Surgery for Kidney Cancer
Surgery for kidney cancer can be personalized to the anatomy of the kidney and the location of the tumor. Often, only the tumor and a healthy rim of normal tissue can be removed,

Surgery for Prostate Cancer
Surgery for prostate cancer can be curative while preserving urinary and sexual function. A prostatectomy can often be performed using robotic techniques, but traditional surgery

Minimally Invasive Surgery Kidney & Ureter
Dr. Feifer specializes in the middle invasive approach to kidney cancer, often able to remove large tumours and reconstruct the ...

Surgeries & Therapies for BPH
BPH or enlarged prostate can lead to significant urinary distress in men. Dr. Feifer specializes in the medical and surgical management of ...

Surgical Specialty
Dr. Feifer specializes in the medical and surgical care of patients with urologic issues, with a focus in urologic oncology. The primary areas of interest include the bladder, the kidneys, the prostate, but more rare cancers such as testis and penile cancer are managed as well.

Dr. Feifer is known for specializing in minimally invasive approaches to kidney cancer. In general, most kidney cancer is found incidentally, and there has been a dramatic improvement in our ability to prevent total kidney loss while maximizing the cancer benefit of removing tumors. Dr. Feifer specializes in extended partial nephrectomy, performed in a minimally invasive laparoscopic fashion, where the tumor is removed, and the kidney is reconstructed. Dr. Feifer specializes in hard-to-reach tumors, which require much experience technically, as well as having a deep understanding of kidney cancer behavior.
Dr. Feifer founded and currently leads the Centre for Advanced and Metastatic Prostate Cancer at Trillium Health Partners. This is a unique clinic in Canada, specializing in the comprehensive management of patients with advanced metastatic prostate cancer, whether castrate sensitive or castrate resistant. Through this clinic, patients will have access to advanced therapeutics such as novel androgen receptor antagonists, Target in therapies for bone health, as well as access to chemotherapy as needed, radiation therapy as needed, and supported by numerous ancillary health professionals including oncology nursing, oncology pharmacy, and drug navigation. A new addition is the comprehensive men’s health program which also includes cardio oncology, sexual health rehabilitation, psycho oncology, and oncology education. There is also access to clinical trials.
Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses the natural energy stored in water vapor, or steam, to remove excess prostate tissue that is pressing on the urethra. Dr. Feifer has one of a select few urologists in the GTA who has performed many of these procedures with great success since this technology was approved in Canada. The procedure is brief, does not require anything more than a twilight anesthetic, requires no hospital stay, and is entirely minimally invasive. Because of the initial swelling caused by the steam, the catheter is inserted which will remain for 2 to 5 days.
Certain patients with a new diagnosis of locally contain prostate cancer may be a candidate for high frequency ultrasound image guided ablation of the cancer. High intensity focussed ultrasound is a prostate cancer treatment performed by Dr. Feifer that uses a highly focussed ultrasound to pinpoint, heat, and kill prostate cancer cells using MRI guidance. Unlike radiation and surgery, who is relatively non-invasive and requires no incisions, is an outpatient procedure, and works to target the cancer itself and leave the prostate around the cancer which is normal alone. The impact of this treatment is less perturbation on urinary or sexual side effects after prostate cancer therapy. This is not a treatment for everyone, and your discussion with Dr. Feifer will involve a detailed personalized assessment of whether high frequency ultrasound is appropriate for your particular cancer case.