Adrenal Mass

An adrenal mass is a growth that develops in the adrenal gland, which is located above each kidney. The organs are triangle-shaped, and each one has two major layers which do very different things. The inner part makes epinephrine (adrenaline), and the outer part makes steroid hormones. The adrenal glands control many processes in the body, maintaining a balance and good health, such as helping to regulate fluid and salt levels in the body that affect blood volume and blood pressure. They also help the body react to high stress situations by causing the heart rate to go up when needed. Problems in the cortex or the medulla can result in problems with blood pressure and general well-being.

A problem inside the adrenal gland could be caused by a disease or mass in or around the gland. Imaging tests often are needed to diagnose an adrenal mass properly. You may also be asked to give blood for a metabolic work-up, as these tests can isolate lower or higher levels of adrenal hormones. There are four major issues that can occur in adrenal gland disorders:

  • Adrenal Cancer- This is a very rare cancer that affects 1 or 3 per 1 million people a year.
  • Conn syndrome – is a rare health problem that occurs when the adrenal glands make too much aldosterone.
  • Cushing’s syndrome (CS) is a medical issue caused when the adrenal gland(s) makes too much cortisol. CS can be caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland, but non-cancerous adrenal tumors can also cause it CS.
  • Pheochromocytoma is an adrenaline secreting tumor found in the adrenal medulla.
  • Others which are less prevalent.

The assessment of patients with adrenal disorder requires a delicate balance of biochemical analysis and imaging. This also may involve a 24-hour collection of urine. Many types of radiology tests are used including CT scans, MRIs, and nuclear medicine scans.


When patients are diagnosed with an adrenal lesion that requires surgery, this is often possible via a minimally invasive approach. The name of this surgery is a laparoscopic (or robotic assisted) adrenalectomy ( rarely open).


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