Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a medical condition where a man is unable to achieve and maintain an erection that allows for satisfactory sexual function. This can show up in several different ways, from a less firm erection, to erections not occurring as frequently as previous times, to a complete inability to achieve erections despite normal sexual sensation.
For some men, coitus may not be possible anymore, while others may lose their erections too quickly for successful completion of intercourse. Men with ED often lose confidence in their sexual ability and their overall sense of self-worth can be negatively affected. Erectile dysfunction often has an important psychological impact on the man, and his relationship with his partner, and men don’t often seek help for this ailment out of shame.

Your doctor will review your symptoms and do a physical examination, and likely will perform some blood work to rule out low testosterone levels, diabetes, or low thyroid function. Other metabolic diseases like heart disease, and circulation problems as well as high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity may have to be addressed as well. There are commonly prescribed medications that cause ED, and a detailed assessment of medications will be critical to your assessment. Assessment with cardiology, internal medicine or endocrinology may be needed prior to the initiation of any medical therapy for ED. Problems with diseases of the penis causing ED will also be addressed.
Causes of Impotence
Erectile dysfunction occurs when blood doesn’t flow to the penis properly, or is not kept in the penis for long enough. The natural male erection occurs with sexual arousal in the brain, which sends a nerve message to the blood vessels in the penis to to open and the penis engorges with blood causing it to be erect. There is a natural anatomic mechanism which keeps the blood in the penis until after ejaculation, without which an erection will not occur. ED can occur with anything that changes these factors, both biologically or psychologically. Men who suffer from depression, anxiety, chronic stress and various other emotional or psychiatric conditions may experience ED as part of their disease, and may be treated successfully. Biologically, men who suffer from circulatory conditions caused by atherosclerosis, nervous system disorders such as strokes, parkinsions, or brain tumors, or any lesions to the pneis may cause ED. While it is normal to experience a mild age appropriate decline in sexual function, aging may play a bigger part in ED that we currently understand, and should not preclude someone from seeking therapy. What is very clear is that taking care of yourself promotes healthy sexuzl function, and stopping to smoke, losing weight in case of obesity, getting regular exercise, and diminishing substance dependence such as alcohol or THC can have dramatic effects in improving
Some current treatments available for ED are:
- Lifestyle modifications: weight loss, smoking cessation, exercise, and less alcohol or THC use.
- Modification of medications for other conditions
- Medication: PDE-5 inhibitors (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis) that increase blood flow to the penis. Men with certain health conditions cannot take PDES inhibitors.
- Topical Medications: These medications stimulate blood flow.
- Creams, Suppositories:
- Self-managed injection: Easy self administration of natural substances directly to the penis to induce blood flow and erection
- Penile Vacuum Device: This device fits over the penis and is pumped to achieve an erection via negative pressure. An elastic ring is administered around the base of the penis to hold the erection firm.
- Penile Implants: Prosthesis implanted in the penis, either as bendable rods or a 3- piece inflatable device that is pumped up to achieve erection.
- Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy: Low-intensity harmless shockwaves are applying to the penis in 5 locations in order to reopen veins and develop new circulation to the penis, thereby leading to stronger erecetions.
Low Testosterone (Male Hypogonadism)
Male hypogonadism is a condition in which the body doesn’t produce enough of the hormone that plays a key role in masculine

Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction
ED can occur for numerous reasons and can be treated in various ways, which allow a man to regain his previous sexual

Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer occurs in the testicles (testes), which are located inside the scrotum and produce testosterone and sperm for reproduction. It is the most common

Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in males. When caught early, it has an excellent prognosis. Patients with advanced disease and now have an abundance