
The treatment of advanced cancer shifts the focus from the localized tumour to the treatment of multiple sites of metastasis, or cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the body. It often involves the treatment with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and can be combined with radiation therapy, surgical therapy, As well as clinical trials, and a tremendous focus on the quality of life and symptom management.


Surgery for Prostate Cancer

Surgery is a frequent choice to try to cure prostate cancer when there is no evidence that the cancer has spread beyond ...

Surgery for Kidney Cancer

The surgery required for kidney cancer is often performed in one of 3 modalities, traditional or open surgery, minimally invasive or ...

Surgery for Bladder Cancer

This surgical procedure is used in both the diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer. And TURBT allows Dr. Feifer to remove ...

Surgery for Testicular Cancer

The standard of care for the removal and treatment of testis cancer is a radical inguinal orchiectomy, After having been ...


Kidney Stones

Stones in the urinary tract can occur for numerous reasons and can cause a variety of symptoms to no symptoms at all ...

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a medical condition where a man is unable to achieve and maintain an erection that ....


When blood is found in your urine via routine testing but your family doctor, or if you see it yourself, both situations may be ...

Low Testosterone

Male hypogonadism is a condition in which the body doesn’t produce enough of the hormone that plays a key role...